Well this week was a big anniversary week, cuz it was my birthday and the ONE YEAR MARK IN THE MISSION!! Super crazy! But this week has been pretty good! I am staring to get into the hang of being secretary!
But, before I get sidetracked all of the pictures are of the (1st) little party we had in the offices!
But anyways I wanted to share something that President told me in interviews yesterday! He told me you can make it to the Major Leagues if you can hit a curve ball. If we apply that to our lives, if we can nail a curve ball and make it into a spiritual home run, where we learn and grow, we can not only make it good in this life, but we can make it to our heavenly mansion! I definitely am a sure witness that life throws lots of curve balls that we don't necessarily want. But if we can learn and grow from everything that God lets us go through we will ALWAYS come out on top.
And that is a promise. Maybe not on top in the world's eyes, but that is because we will be on top of the world, and though the others may not understand, we will, and we will know that God will.
Have a great week! See y'all in less than a year!
Elder Loosle
Secretario de Misión
Misión Mexico Oaxaca
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