Also we had a combined district meeting for the last week of the transfer, so I took a picture. So, the pictures are a bit random, but it was a fun week! Also, the member that is in the pictures with us at Monte Alban, is our recent convert Freddy.
This week I have been focusing on what things I can do to get better, not because I am terrible, but I have realized as I focus on what I lack, I can fix it little by little so that I can be a better missionary and person! But something I have realized is that as I fix something I start to recognize other small things I can be doing a bit better. And while it might make some people think that it is overwhelming, it actually helps me to know I am getting closer to who my Heavenly Father wants me to be!
The ways that we will be able to achieve that potential that He has for us, is when we are constantly devoted to talk with Him, and seek answers from Him. I know that we can all achieve our purpose in life and our divine potential.
Also, we got a new assistant today! Elder Knapp, because Elder Caballero is leaving to go to Juchitán! And so I'll send pictures with him next week! Sorry the email isn't long... I just kinda ran out of stuff to say... While we were busy, not a lot happened...