Monday, May 1, 2017

Week 56: Woohoo!

Yeah! I'm not sick anymore!!!! But I can't find my cable for my camera so no pics for right now... I think I'll have to buy an adapter because I think someone stole my cable... That is ok, I'll just put my name on the adapter so that no one can take it!

So, this week was pretty slow, but overall, I was able to learn a lot. I learned patience because sometimes people just don't listen to the directions their leaders give them because they think they know better and well there is nothing that you can do because you can't force anyone to do anything. So you just roll with the punches, and keep up the attitude! Even thought we can't control everything, we can control our attitudes! So if we stay happy and upbeat, even when there is some struggles, we can keep ourselves open to the spiritual guidance.

Ok, so I am not saying we should all fake being happy when we are not, because that will just end up bad. I will admit, last night I was a bit mad because there were some missionary struggles that I needed to fix because missionaries weren't listening to their leaders. So I was definitely annoyed. But after a minute I calmed myself down and focused on the things I can control, and other people do not make that list. So when we really focus on the way we are living and try to keep it at God's standards, forgiving ourselves when we mess up, as God forgives us, we can find out how to be a lot happier in general. Maybe we won't be perfect, and maybe we won't be happy 100% of the time, but when we understand what really can make us happy, and we live by those things, such as the gospel, we really find the true joy that comes from Christ.

So, I hope that y'all have a great week and keep up the attitudes! God put us here in the world for a reason and He didn't give us life so that we would be miserable, He put us here to have JOY!!!!

Talk to y'all next week!
Elder Loosle
Secretario de Misión
Misión Mexico Oaxaca

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