Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week 47: Life of an Office Grunt...

Well, I'm not really an office grunt, just lots of paperwork that I have to do sometimes. But it is ok, because I like it! It is pretty fun! And when we leave at like 3ish we get to be normal missionaries!

Speaking of being normal missionaries we have 3 baptisms scheduled for next week! As secretaries, it is hard to get baptisms, because we don't have the opportunity to work in our area as much as other missionaries, but I know that the Lord helps us as we do our best, and it is definitely the quality of time spent teaching that counts more than the quantity as a mission secretary.

But something cool about being secretary is that I learn about stuff really quick! Like in my old stake (Monte Alban) the entire stake is having a "white night" tonight! Or like 12 people are getting baptised! But that will happen for our stake next week! Talk to y'all later!

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