Thursday, May 5, 2016

CCM life is winding down

A lot of the stuff that we are doing at the CCM is become very similar because we eat food, teach our maestros, sleep (for not nearly enough time), have classes and go to devotionals. But while it is kinda similar there are definitely little things that make it really great! 

So last Friday after I sent my last email my companion Elder Russon got a haircut and there was like no hair cut hardly. He basically looks the exact same but with a little bit shorter sides. We also had a lot of fun in gym and working out which I'm really enjoying a lot!

Saturday was good! We as a district got to teach a lesson to the other district that left 3 days after. I taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and they taught me the law of chastity. It was interesting to say the least. But it was good. Then we also had an extra TALL session which was super boring but I mean it is helping me learn the language so I can't complain.

Sunday, oh mi palabras (oh my word) Sunday was so good. It was fast Sunday and so we started fasting after lunch on Saturday which is a bit weird to me but that is how México does it so it was just more different than anything else. We had a testimony meeting in our branch and it was super great and super spiritual because one of the three districts in our branch was leaving the next day so we had a really spiritual meeting. The branch that left also sang nearer my God to thee and that was really good. As we all sang the closing hymn of "All creatures of our God and King" I was conducting and even though there were only like just over 20 people in our branch, it sounded like there was at least 50+! I know that angels were singing with us and helping us testify of our creator and our love for our Lord. Sunday night we saw a video on the book of mormon and how it changed two lives, Parley P. Pratt and some italian guy whose name I don't remember. But at the end it had a little written testimony on the screen and walking home I started to cry just a little because of how much the spirit was testifying to me of the truth of the Book of Mormon. I know it is the word of God and I know that this Church is the Church of Jesus Christ and that He is the light and the way to eternal life.

Monday was good! We struggled really hard teaching Jesús the first four commandments but we didn't prepare nearly as well as we should have. But we got Vanessa to commit to a date for baptism, and even though it is fake, it still was really good!

Tuesday night there was a pretty good devotional on how much we can do as missionaries even if we don't see the blessings immediately. We went over the commandments with Jesús, all 10 of them and he committed to live them! It was nice, but he was kinda confused on adultery. 

Because of that we taught him the law of Chastity with him on Wednesday, and he said he would live it except that he is having his girlfriend who he has a kid with move in with him so that is no bueno. He is a rough investigator sometimes but we'll talk to him about the importance of marriage and eternal marriage and hopefully he'll get it.

ALSO!!! Tuesday night and Wednesday night I made a beautiful creation! So my district and the other district that is in my branch that came into the CCM with my district, are singing next Sunday (the week after mother's day) in sacrament meeting because that is the last week we will be here and we struggled to decide what to sing for a while. But then we decided that Acompañame (Abide with me) sounds really good to the tune of Be still my soul so we are singing the first two verses of that to the tune of Be still my soul in spanish and then singing the second verse of be still my soul in english as the last verse and the Hermanas sing the first verse except at the end where everyone comes in, and then the Elder's sing the second verse except where we all sing a little repeated phrase at the end, and then we sing the last verse all together on parts and it's going to be great! But on Tuesday and Wednesday night I was cutting and taping the different parts of the hymn onto the other.

Also... speaking of choir, Next Tuesday I am going to be in a barbershop quartet singing the third verse of Te necesito (I need thee every hour) for choir! I'm singing base and we are having the four parts out of the hymn book but the soprano part will be dropped an octave and the alto will be the normal range so it will be like a descant alto thing going on and that will sound awesome. There is also going to be a solo for a Hermana for the first verse.

And one more thing... I ran into one of my EFY friends from two years ago at chior! It was funny cuz I really thought she looked familiar but I couldn't get my head around why and I didn't see her nametag until she was like... "You were in my EFY group" and I thought for a second and then was like OH YEAH! But to be fair she does look different and I hadn't seen her in two years... but I had just talked to her over facebook probably less than 2 months ago... Oh well it was fun knowing someone!

Today we went to the temple and that is always great! It hasn't been a super exiting Pday but it has been a bit rushed because we are about to go play volleyball with another district who also has Pday today. But man it's a bit weird

knowing that next Pday will be my last one at the CCM....

Yo sé que la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los últimos días es la iglesia verdadero. El evangelio que está compartiendo es verdadero. Yo tenía dudas en el pasado pero ahora yo sé que este evangelio es verdadero con mi toda corazón y alma. Este evangelio es el evangelio de Jesucristo realmente. 

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